New Start
Hi there to whoever reading this nonsense blog writing by a hilarious girl me. (Probably no one will be reading this lol) wooooo but whatever as I am super bored on a gloomy Sunday afternoon sitting in front of my MacBook trying to figure out something to do.
So let me simply introduce why I start this Web. Coz I recently found out that I really love editing random photos and videos in a way that I need to find some ways to record things around me. I started posting my travelling videos on Youtube and it raised my interests in investing different media. So here I am, trying to start blogging and maybe 10 years later I can read it back and laugh at myself for being young and reckless.
I probably won't have time later running this Web though I hope I can. Here you might see the most random stuff of me and yeah I need a platform to keep motivating myself and posting stuffs and spreading good vibes.
That's it for today and thanks for reading. Hope you have a nice day!